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Both apps CAN track a user’s location in the background whilst the user is out of the office or home location and collecting data.
This is a useful personal safety feature linked to “Lone Working”. Importantly this feature can only be activated or revoked by the app end user, using their permission settings. When a user first sets up the app, Background Location permission is requested, and the end user will decide if this feature is of use and important to their own individual safety needs.
What is Loan Working ? A lone worker is an employee or business owner who performs an activity that is carried out in isolation from other workers without close or direct supervision. Such staff may be exposed to risk because there is no-one to assist them in an emergency type situation and so a risk assessment and background tracking may be required.
The app can track a user’s location for the sole purpose of lone working. Tracking can be activated or revoked at any time dependant on a individual’s requirements, working location and their own risk assessment and lone working practices.
How is the location data used ?
Your password protected database includes a map screen showing the location of any company individuals that have elected to allow background tracking from their permission settings.
A user can decide at any time to go to settings, work app and change the permissions.
How is a location displayed on the database map? A single location pin on a map will show the users name and date/time the last known location was captured.
How can the data be considered useful ? When the working location is known, and background location tracking is mutually agreed as beneficially useful for both office and individual device user, it can be switched on. After safely returning to the agreed meeting point, location tracking can be switched off if necessary.
The following are case examples when a location may be usefully checked on the password protected company database:
Considering the user case examples above, the last known location is of great benefit and can in some circumstances aid the recovery of an otherwise unknown injured/at risk person.